what is Overclock on Android phone, and how it ?
what is Overclock on Android phone, and how it ?
any app for overcloacking ?
there are apps on the market for that .... but you need to be rooted . open overclocker is free and works great !
advantages ? ---- its awesome , my phone runs much smoother , a lot more responsive .....
disadvantage ? havent found one yet . i assumed it would affect battery life , but it really hasnt .
hope that helps some
what is Overclock on Android phone, and how it ?
from what i hear , its technically not "overclocking" . its changing the frequency of the processer . its set at 384mhz high and 248 low . i set mine to 528mhz high and 248 low . htc rated the processer at 528mhz .
Yes - there is a real risk of you damaging your phone.
In short, while he PROCESSOR is designed to run at higher clock speeds, it's designed to do so in a completely different environment (such as in a metal box, with a heatsink and fan). As the G1 has zero cooling (no heatsinks, no fans, just a nice insulating plastic body to keep it warm) there is a real risk of heat damage.
To overclock your phone, you need a rooted phone (i.e. root access), then you can either edit a specific file yourself that dictated the clock speed, or there's an app on the market to do it for you.
Aside from the risks of damage to your phone, the gain is mostly in people's heads. The phone is RARELY CPU locked, and is usually IO locked. What this means is that most lag or slowness in the phone is called by reading or writing data to/from memory, graphics, or SD card, and NOT by the processor being slow or maxed out.
This can be seen in benchmarks people have performed before and after overclocking. People who run computational benchmarks get an increase in peformance that almost matches the increase in clock speed (i.e. a 30% increase in clock speed gives a near 30% increase in the benchmarks), but people performing benchmarks that involve graphics, read/writing, or large amounts of memory (as is much more typical of Android apps), only show around a 10th of the overall increase. It's really not worth it.
Read article: how to Overclock Android Samsung Galaxy Mini
cara Overclock Android Samsung Galaxy Mini
cara rooting Samsung Galaxy Mini
any apps for overclock
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